Journal papers
Delay dynamics of neuromorphic optoelectronic nanoscale resonators: Perspectives and applications
B. Romeira, J. M. L. Figueiredo, J. Javaloyes
Chaos 27, p. 114323 (Nov-2017)
Dynamic performance of detuned ridge waveguide AlInGaAs distributed feedback laser diodes
H. I. Cantu, A. McKee, D. Childs, S. Watson, and A. E. Kelly
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 59, p. 1468-1470 (Jun-2017)
Three Dimensional Angle of Arrival Estimation in Dynamic Indoor Terahertz Channels Using Forward-Backward Algorithm
Peng, Bile and Thomas Kuerner
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 66, p. 3798-3811 (May-2017)
Diced and Grounded Broadband Bow-Tie Antenna with Tuning Stub for Resonant Tunnelling Diode Terahertz Oscillators
K. Alharbi, Ata Khalid, A. Ofiare, J. Wang, and E. Wasige
IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation 11, p. 310-316 (Apr-2017)
Regenerative memory in time-delayed neuromorphic photonic resonators
B. Romeira, R. Avó, José M. L. Figueiredo, S. Barland & J. Javaloyes
Scientific Reports 6, 19510 (Jan-2016)
iBROW – Innovative ultra-BROadband ubiquitous Wireless communications through terahertz transceivers
Luís Pessoa, Bile Peng, Jue Wang et al.
IEEE COMSOC MMTC Communication – Frontiers 11, p. 11-16 (Jan-2016)
Parametric Study of 1310 nm Ridge Waveguide AlGaInAs-InP Semiconductor Laser Dynamics
H.I. Cantu, A. McKee, I. Eddie, and A.E. Kelly
IET Optoelectronics 9, p. 341-347 (Dec-2015)
Conference papers
AP-S 2018
2018 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting
08-13 Jul-2018 Boston, USA
Elliptical Monopole Antenna on InP Substrate for Sub-THz RTD-based Oscillators
H. M. Santos, L. M. Pessoa, Pedro Pinho, H. M. Salgado
ICTON 2018
2018 IEEE 87th Vehicular Technology Conference
01-05 Jul-2018 Bucharest, Romania
Experimental evaluation of Resonant Tunnelling Diode Oscillators employing Advanced Modulation Formats [Invited]
J. S. Tavares, L. M. Pessoa, and H. M. Salgado
VTC 2018-Spring
2018 IEEE 87th Vehicular Technology Conference
03-06 Jun-2018; Porto, Portugal
Statistical Characteristics Study of Human Blockage Effect in Future Indoor Millimeter and Sub-millimeter Wave Wireless Communication
Bile Peng, Sebastian Rey, Dennis M. Rose, Sören Hahn, Thomas Kürner
Optical Characteristics Analysis of Resonant Tunneling Diode Photodetector based Oscillators
Weikang Zhang, Scott Watson, Jue Wang
CSW 2018
29-May to 01-Jun-2018; Cambridge, MA, USA
Mm-wave/THz multi-gigabit wireless links and microwave/photonic interfaces – the iBROW project [Invited]
E. Wasige, A. Al-Khalidi et al.
ICTON 2017
19th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks
02-06 Jul-2017; Girona, Spain
Analysis of Resonant Tunnelling Diode Oscillators under Optical Modulation [Invited]
J. S. Tavares, L. M. Pessoa, J. M. L. Figueiredo and H. M. Salgado
INSPEC Accession Number: 17154743
AOP 2017
Third International Conference on Applications of Optics and Photonics 2017
08-12 May-2017; Faro, Portugal
Resonant tunneling diode photodetectors for optical communications
Gil C. Rodrigues; João F. Rei; James A. Foot; Khalid H. Alharbi; Abdullah Al-Khalidi; Jue Wang; Edward Wasige; José Figueiredo
Proc. SPIE 10453, p. 1045307 (2017)
Resonant tunneling diode oscillators for optical communications [Invited]
Scott Watson; Weikang Zhang; Jue Wang; Abdullah Al-Khalidi; Horacio Cantu; Jose Figueiredo; Edward Wasige; Anthony E. Kelly
Proc. SPIE 10453, p. 104532R (2017)
Resonant tunnelling diode based high speed optoelectronic transmitters [Invited]
Jue Wang; G. C. Rodrigues; Abdullah Al-Khalidi; José M. L. Figueiredo; Edward Wasige
Proc. SPIE 10453, p. 104532Y (2017)
Modelling of optoelectronic circuits based on resonant tunneling diodes
João F. M. Rei; James A. Foot; Gil C. Rodrigues; José M. L. Figueiredo
Proc. SPIE 10453, p. 1045308 (2017)
Photonics West 2017
28-Jan to 02-Feb-2017; San Francisco, USA
Resonant tunneling diode sources for broadband wireless communications
E. Wasige, A. Al-Khalidi, K. Alharbi, J. Wang and J. Figueiredo
Proc. SPIE 10103 (Terahertz, RF, Millimeter, and Submillimeter-Wave Technology and Applications X), p. 101031J
European Microwave Conference 2016
04-06 Oct-2016; London, UK
High performance resonant tunneling diode oscillators as terahertz sources
J. Wang, A. Khalidi, K. Alharbi, A.Ofiare, H. Zhou, J. Figueiredo, E. Wasige
Broadband bow-tie slot antenna with tuning stub for resonant tunnelling diode oscillators with novel configuration for substrate effects suppression
K. H. Alharbi, A. Khalid, A. Ofiare, J. Wang, and E. Wasige
Slot-ring multiport driven antenna with improved airside radiation for terahertz communications
M. Kgwadi, K. Allarbi, J. Wang, E. Wasige
9th UK-Europe-China Workshop on mm-waves and THz Technologies
05-07 Sep-2016; Qingdao, China
E. Wasige, A. Al-Khalidi, K. Alharbi and J. Wang
High performance microstrip resonant tunneling diode oscillators as terahertz sources
[Invited paper]
European Signal Processing Conference
29-Aug to 02-Sep-2016; Budapest, Hungary
Angle of arrival estimation in dynamic indoor THz channels with Bayesian filter and reinforcement learning
B. Peng, Q. Jiao, T. Kürner
Compound Semiconductor Week 2016
26-30 Jun-2016; Toyama, Japan
G-Band MMIC resonant tunneling diode oscillators
J. Wang, A. Al-Khalidi, K. Alharbi, A. Ofiare, H. Zhou, and E. Wasige
GSMM 2016
2016 Global Symposium on Millimeter Waves (GSMM) & ESA Workshop on Millimetre-Wave Technology and Applications
06-08 Jun-2016; Espoo, Finland
Differential 3D ray-launching using arbitrary polygonal shapes in time-variant indoor scenarios
D.M. Rose, S. Rey and T. Kürner
EUCAP 2016
10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation
10-15 Apr-2015; Davos, Switzerland
Channel Characteristics Study for Future Indoor Millimeter And Submillimeter Wireless Communications
Bile Peng, Sebastian Rey and Thomas Kürner
IET Colloquium on mm-wave and THz Engineering & Technology
31-Mar-2016; London, UK
Diced and grounded broadband bow-tie antenna with tuning stub for resonant tunnelling diode terahertz oscillators
K. Alharbi, Ata Khalid, A. Ofiare, J. Wang, and E. Wasige 978-1-78561-222-0
APMC 2015
Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference 2015
06-09 Dec-2015; Nanjing, China
Novel tunnel diode oscillator power combining circuit topology based on synchronisation
A. Ofiare, J. Wang, K. Alharbi, Ata Khalid, E. Wasige and L. Wang
ISBN 978-1-4799-8765-8
ARMMS Conference Nov-2015
ARMMS RF and Microwave Society Conference
9-10 Nov-2015; Wyboston Lakes, UK
Resonant tunnelling diode terahertz sources for broadband wireless communications [Invited paper]
E. Wasige
CSICS 2015
IEEE Compound Semiconductor IC Symposium
11-14 Oct-2015; New Orleans, LA USA
High performance resonant tunnelling diode oscillators for THz applications
J. Wang, K. Alharbi, A. Ofiare, A. Khalid, H. Zhou, D. Cumming, and E. Wasige
INSPEC Accession Number: 15573207
SPIE Remote Sensing and Security + Defence 2015
Millimetre Wave and Terahertz Sensors and Technology Conference
21-24 Sep-2015; Toulouse, France
High frequency resonant tunnelling diode oscillator with high output power
J. Wang, Ata Khalid and E. Wasige
Proc. SPIE 9651, p. 96510E (2015)
ALT 2015
The International Conference on Advanced Laser Technologies
07-11 Sep-2015; Algarve, Portugal
Resonant tunnelling diode terahertz sources [Invited paper]
E. Wasige, J. Wang, Ata Khalid, A. Kelly, D. Cumming, and José Figueiredo
Performance assessment of fiber-wireless systems based on 1.55 µM directly modulated VCSELs [Invited paper]
H. M. Salgado
11th IEEE International Conference on PhD Research in Microelectronics and Electronics
29-Jun to 02-Jul-2015; Glasgow, UK
MMIC Resonant tunnelling diode oscillators for THz applications
J. Wang, A. Ofiare, K. Alharbi, R. Brown, Ata Khalid, D. Cumming and E. Wasige
INSPEC Accession Number: 15494185 p. 262-265 (2015)
IPRM 2015
27th International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials
28-Jun to 02-Jul-2015; Santa Barbara, CA, USA
Planar Fabrication Process Development for Mm-Wave Resonant Tunneling Diodes (RTD) Using BCB Etch-Back
J. Wang, K. Alharbi, Ata Khalid and E. Wasige